Football Coaches Australia and XVenture ‘Play it Forward’

Football Coaches Australia (FCA) welcomes all Australian advance licence and community football coaches to the FCA XVenture College and the Essential Skills ‘Play it Forward’ program.

In a world first opportunity for all Australian football coaches, FCA and XV are offering a program which connects directly with FCA and XVenture’s DNA. A global mentoring (or buddy system) program which will allow for Australian coaches to help a fellow coach from around the world to undertake their own FCA XV Essential Skills study as a result of their helping hand. 

The program supports football coaches in Australia and other countries who will be able to influence their community immensely as a result of our help.

XVenture Founder and CEO Mike Conway:

“For every coach who undertakes this program with Football Coaches Australia, we will “Play It Forward” by providing a coach who can’t afford the program full access to this body of work too. Imagine – coaches around the World helping the next generation! Improving lives and growing the game. Surely that’s what it’s about? There are no barriers.”           

This program is also in line with the FCA mantra of "Promoting and strengthening the reputation of football in Australia and the reputation of Australian football on the world stage".

Glenn Warry FCA CEO: 

“During the ongoing impact of COVID on world sport we at FCA, along with our valued partner XVenture, are just so proud to present the ‘Play it Forward’ program.

In 2020 FCA worked hard to lead in connecting the coaching community via an extensive coach PD webinar program for community and accredited coaches.

“The FCA XV College Essential Skills ‘Play it Forward’ Program is an incredible opportunity for Australian coaches to enhance the continuing education of every coach’s journey around the world no matter what level they are working at or what their circumstances are”.

How will it the FCA XV Essential Skills ‘Play it Forward’ program work?

Football Coaches Australia (FCA) welcomes all Australian advance licence and community football coaches to the FCA XVenture College and the Essential Skills ‘Play it Forward’ program.

For every FCA XV Essential Skills ‘full program’ undertaken by an Australian football coach a complimentary program will be provided to a coach, from around the world who can’t afford the program, which will also allow both the ‘sponsor’ coach and ‘sponsored’ coach to work together if they choose.

The ‘sponsor’ coach and nominated ‘sponsored’ coach will receive notification from FCA regarding their registration details.

Subject to both parties agreeing FCA will link the ‘sponsor’ coach and the ‘sponsored’ coach. Protocols will be established regarding this (mentor/ mentee) support relationship.